1. Name
The Society shall be known as the Chepstow & District Amateur Radio Society.
2. Aims
The aims of the Society shall be to further the interests of its members in all aspects of amateur
radio and directly associated activities.
3. Membership
Membership shall be open, subject to the discretion of the Committee, to all persons interested in
the aims of the Society. Members over the age of 18 shall also be paid-up affiliated members of the
Chepstow Athletic Club.
Members may occasionally invite guests to meetings. All members shall abide by the constitution of
the Society. The Committee shall have power to expel any member whose conduct, in the opinion of
at least three-quarters of the full Committee, renders that person to be unfit to be a member of the
Society. No member shall be expelled without first having been given an opportunity to appear
before the Committee.
4. Subscriptions
- Any subscriptions shall be due and payable as deemed necessary by the committee. Members in
arrears have no voting rights. - The Committee shall have the power to waive or reduce subscriptions in special circumstances.
- In addition to the annual subscription there will be a meeting subscription, the amount of which
will be decided at the AGM.
5. Finance
All money received by the Society shall be promptly deposited in the Society's bank account.
Withdrawals require the signature of two out of three nominated committee members.
6. Membership of the Society's Committee
The Society's affairs shall be administered by a Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting,
elected each year at the AGM. The Committee, in whom the Society's property shall be vested, shall
consist of:
- A Chairman who will preside at all meetings at which he is present.
- A Vice Chairman, to act as deputy to chairman.
- A Secretary who will be responsible for:
(i) keeping the minutes of all meetings of the Society.
(ii) ensuring that all correspondence is correctly handled.
(iii) maintaining a master roll of members and honorary members.
(iv) maintaining a register of Society equipment. - A Treasurer, who will be responsible for:
(i) keeping the Society's accounts.
(ii) advising the Committee on all financial matters. - A maximum of five ordinary Committee Members.
7. Committee Standing Orders
- The quorum for the Committee shall be 3. In the absence of a quorum, business may be dealt
with but any decisions taken only become valid after ratification at the next meeting at which 50% of
Committee Members are present. - Committee meetings may be called by the Chairman, The Secretary or any vote.
8. Annual General Meeting
- The Annual General Meeting shall normally be held on the first Tuesday of November each year. At least 21 days notice shall be given to each member.
- The agenda for the meeting shall be:
(i) Apologies for absence.
(ii) Minutes of the previous AGM.
(iii) Chairman's report.
(iv) Secretary's report.
(v) Treasurer's report.
(vi) Election of the new Committee.
(vii) Other business. - Items (i) to (v) shall be chaired by the out-going Chairman, item (vi) by an acting Chairman who is
not standing for election to office, and the remaining business by the newly elected Chairman. - Nominations for Committee members will only be valid if confirmed by the nominee at the
meeting or previously in writing. - Items to be raised by members under other business must be notified to the Secretary not less
than 21 days before the AGM.
9. Extraordinary General Meeting
- Extraordinary General Meetings may be called by the committee or not less than fifty percent of
members of the Society, the date of the meeting being the earliest convenient as decided by the
Committee. At least 28 days’ notice in writing must be given to the Secretary, who in turn shall give
members at least 14 days’ notice in writing of the agenda. No other business shall be transacted at
the EGM.
10. Amendments to the constitution
The constitution may be amended only at an EGM.
11. Winding up of the Society
- The decision to wind up the Society may be taken only at an EGM.
- The funds of the Society shall, after the sale of all assets and the payment of all outstanding
debts, be disposed of as directed by members at the final EGM.